Situational Leadership

Do you want to get better at reading a certain situation and adapt the way you lead to meet the actual needs of your co-worker? Then you’re not alone. Situational Leadership will give you the knowledge and tools you need.

situational leadershipWe are all unique, with different sets of characters, skills and needs – and the diversity is what makes us strong together. But it also provides you with challenges as a leader. Why isn’t your co-worker performing the way you expected? Is it because he or she doesn’t have the ability or is it lack of will and determination? Could you act differently as a leader by changing the way you lead, to get your co-worker back in the game and perform? Which sets of skills do you need in order to adapt your style?

This training course is based on Paul Herseys Situational Leadership Model, which over the years has become the one of worlds most recognized and utilized leadership tool.

Situational Leadership is about leading by influencing and developing your co-workers abilities to perform in a given situation. In order to do so you must be able to recognise your co-workers needs, ability, skills and will to perform in the given situation – and adapt your way to lead, motivate, instruct and support the individual in their task.

The training includes Blended Learning – which means that you will implement e-learning modules before you come to us so that you are familiar with the model and can focus on practical application during the course days! E-learning continues after the course.

Extent of the course
The course extends over two days at take place in our training facilities in Kungsängen Stockholm.

Situational Leaders learn to

  • Diagnose: “Understand the situation they are trying to influence”
  • Adapt: “Adjust their behavior in response to the contingencies of the situation”
  • Communicate: “Interact with others in a manner they can understand and accept”
  • Advance: “Manage the movement”


Suitable for

Managers and leaders at all levels who wants to be able to use different ways to lead in order to meet the diverse demands of modern organisations.

Course length

2 days


Course fee: 16 400 kr
Accommodation: 2 800 kr
Prices excludes VAT


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