UGL in English

UGL – Understanding Group and Leader gives you an increased understanding of how group dynamics affect results and how leadership styles should be adapted to the group’s maturity stage and specific task at hand. UGL in English will provide you with insight as to why people behave in certain ways in certain situations and why conflicts arise in the group.

Swedens most popular leadership development course

The UGL course was developed for the Swedish National Defense Academy in 1981. In the late 1980’s the UGL course became increasingly popular within the Swedish business community and is today considered one of the best and by far the most attended leadership development course in Sweden. Gällöfsta Perlan Ledarskap is the largest provider of UGL in Sweden.

The course is built around Ph.D. Susan Wheelan’s research which gives the participants the chance to experience and follow the development of the individual and the group, as well as the leader. This course differs significantly from a “traditional” leadershipdevelopment course.

The  pedagogical approach of the UGL course is based on “Experiential Learning”, which means that new learning is acquired through the following  four steps; experiencing, reviewing, concluding and changing behavior. The two course instructors operate as facilitators, and the group always consists of 8-12 participants. The course is five days in length and requires full attendance (arriving on Monday morning and leaving Friday afternoon).

The groups are put together based on as much diversity as possible (i.e.age,gender,etc.), and on the condition that none of the participants knows each other beforehand. In other words, two people from the same organization or company should not be in the same group, as this  might affect one’s behavior and openness.

You will recieve essential tools as:

  • Group maturity assessment
  • Conflict resolution
  • Effective communication
  • Situational leadership
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Active-listening

Suitable for

Managers and employees at all levels within the organization.


Course length

5 days

Next starts

  • 26 Sep 2016 – Gällöfsta Konferens Kungsängen Full
  • 28 Nov 2016 – Gällöfsta Konferens Kungsängen Full
  • 24 Apr 2017 – Gällöfsta Konferens Kungsängen
  • All dates


Coursefee: 26 900 SEK
Full board: 8 900 SEK
Excl. VAT

Gällöfsta Konferens Kungsängen (startdates)

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UGL in English


Coursefee: 26 900 SEK
Full board: 8 900 SEK
Excl. VAT


Choose course


  • Part 1 (5 days)


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